When a unit is sold, it is an important protection for other owners to know that the unit is in full compliance with Association requirements. So, when there is a request to approve a sale, an “Inspection on Request for Transfer of Title of Unit” is attached with the Sales Application submitted to the Association. The unit will be inspected, and, when complete, any violation issues noted in the unit will be listed on an “estoppel letter”. If the sellers do not correct the violations, the new owners are obliged to take responsibility. In that case, the Association requires both parties to acknowledge in writing that the new owners undertake that responsibility to correct the violations. Once those are corrected and again inspected, the Association issues a consent to transfer so the sale can proceed. So If an owner is thinking of selling and wants to streamline the process, they can request an informal review in advance to see if any issues are likely so they can get them addressed ahead of time.